
Return certain machine-readable information items about the current OS distribution in a dictionary, as shown in the following example: .. sourcecode:: python { 'id': 'rhel', 'version': '7.0', 'version_parts': { 'major': '7', 'minor': '0', 'build_number': '' }, 'like': 'fedora', 'codename': 'Maipo' } The dictionary structure and keys are always the same, regardless of which information items are available in the underlying data sources. The values for the various keys are as follows: `id`: The result of `version`: The result of :func:distro.version. `version_parts -> major`: The result of :func:distro.major_version. `version_parts -> minor`: The result of :func:distro.minor_version. `version_parts -> build_number`: The result of :func:distro.build_number. `like`: The result of `codename`: The result of :func:distro.codename. For a description of the *pretty* and *best* parameters, see the :func:distro.version method.

bool pretty = false
bool best = false
